Monday, 16 January 2017

So I've taken a little break from writing the blog, as daily updates on me being excited about money coming in are, well pretty boring. Although, I am pretty damn excited as I've hit my target! In fact I'm really excited as actually I've gone over my target, and a few people also have promises to pay, so might get well over it by a bigger margin, meaning I can stay longer.

Plans are coming together well. I have managed to get a lift sorted all the way to camp on the 22nd, which is great as it's both cheaper, and I won't have to use my limited French skills to try and navigate public transport. Also most of the boring stuff like insurance, medical prescriptions, packing and logistics are done, which is probably the first time ever said things have been done before the morning I leave/in the airport over a G'n'T.

Went home at the weekend to say goodbye to the family which was ace. Little Poppy is growing bigger by the week, and looks be be getting healthier after a pretty ropy start to life, Boo and Rob say she's doing better at night too, which means by proxy they are too! Well needed after 5 weeks in the ICU and zero sleep. I'm gutted I'm not going to be able to see her over the next few months, but look forward to seeing how much she has grown upon return.

My accommodation is now all locked in too. I'm doing a few weeks in a guesthouse, which I was trying to avoid as it more expensive, but after that I'm going to be living in the static caravan which will be cheaper, and I hope more fun as there are a whole bunch of them next to each other, full with other volunteers. My nerves are kicking in big time, whilst I think this will be a hugely rewarding experience, it's going to be tough emotionally. News of refugees freezing to death have started rolling in, and the lack of compassion in the news, and from governments is just horrible, but I'm looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and getting stuck in.

So before I head and the blog takes a turn to cover what I doing, rather than the fundraising and prep, I want to say a huge thank you to each and every person that donated. It's been amazing, and such a humbling experience, so THANK YOU!

Donations are still being taken, and coming in, and the page will continue to accept them while I'm out there, should anyone have been skint in January. Here's the link:

Much Love


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